Thursday, March 28, 2013

Why I Believe in Placenta Encapsulation

Me, 6 months pregnant.Photo credit: Angela Avalos

        When I was pregnant with Corrie-Rai, I learned SO MUCH in such a short amount of time. I just sucked it all in, the prenatal yoga, the changes in my nutrition, the idea of a birth doula helping me, the desire to have a natural and drug-free labor and birth. I loved it all! Hence, the reason I am now a birth doula! One of these "things" I really gravitated to as a pregnant mama was the idea of having my placenta encapsulated. I had never heard of humans digesting their own placentas but I had witnessed my uncle's
dog eat her pups placenta immediately after giving birth and I never forgot that, so the idea wasn't too strange to me. Once I learned that humans are the only mammals who do not typically consume the placenta after birth, I kept thinking "WHY WOULDN'T I EAT MY PLACENTA?"
       I immediately got in touch with Sara Pereira of Mommy Feel Good and set it up so that she would come to my house and encapsulate my placenta after I came home from the hospital. From what I have researched and learned through out the experience, and by talking to moms who have had their placenta encapsulated or other doulas who offer encapsulation in their services, the immediate shift of hormones after a woman gives birth can be felt intensely. I personally never really felt this shift simply because there was so much going on, my hormones were all over the place...but I have heard it time and time again. When a woman consumes her placenta, she is putting back into her body, all of the nutrients and hormones, and potent vitamins that nurtured her baby and her body throughout her pregnancy.

1 hour postpartum. Skin-to-skin bonding time with my healthy baby girl and my doula at my side. 

 Amazing right? Not only can these little pills be used for postpartum recovery, but they can be used for times of trauma...I did experience this when I found out I had a 6cm cyst that had formed in one of my ovaries when I was 4 moths postpartum. I had to have surgery that was VERY invasive and very similar to that of a cesarean birth. I returned from the hospital, to my 4 month old nursling, determined not to take the pain killers my doctor prescribed me and insisted would not affect my baby (are you kidding me?) through my milk. Instead, I tossed my prescription and took 1 of my placenta pills a day. I never had a need for any other pain medication but my body's own.

      Flash forward to the present day- Corrie-Rai is now 16 months old. I got my period back 8 months ago when she was 8 months old and let me tell you, no one ever talks about how your period changes after you give birth. Sometimes for good, but mostly for least in this house! I used to love my visits from Aunt Flo! Her stay was always 4 days long, she was always on time, and she was always light. She never bothered me, and she always left as quickly as she came.  Then after 9 months of pregnancy (10 really) and 8 more months of exclusive breastfeeding, and BOOM! She was back, and making up for lost time. Just this past week she came by for a visit and took my emotions and hormones on a roller coaster ride from hell. I I remembered my handy dandy placenta pills that are tucked away safely in my freezer and popped one. About 15 minutes later I was a different person, a different mother, a different woman. There is something about the power of the placenta that regulates so much of our body during pregnancy and birth, it is almost traumatic for a woman's body to lose the placenta so abruptly. We don't even get to say thank you and goodbye!
    So, if you are curious about placenta encapsulation, DO IT! You won't regret it, especially if you get a tincture like the one Sara includes in her lasts forever!!! Even 20 or so years from now, when I am having hot flashes and night sweats from menopause, (God, I hope not) I can use my powerful and mighty placenta juice to fight off the demons of old age, and enrich my body with the magic of birth hormones.

You can contact Sara @ if you are interested in her services. She's great! =]